The Writing Club

Okay, well, GlimmerandSparkle of THGWiki has an 81st Hunger Games and sense she has gotten up to Nina killing Spike, no farther, so I will be writing to that point, enjoy =)

Chapter 1 - Terrible Reaping/My Interview[]

Who are you? Oh, did Cary, my younger sister, tell you that I had a story to tell you? Sounds like her, any way, come, I shall tell you all now. But I will warn you, this is not a happy story, it is a terrible one about the Hunger Games, the one I was in. I still cry every night and have nightmares about it. Oh, young Lily, please come in, your grandmother has probably told you this story but you might as well see it through my eyes...

I woke bright and early because my father was screaming at me from downstairs. I sighed and walked downstairs. "Yes father?" I asked, glaring at him slightly.

"Get ready!" he shouted. I stormed upstairs, not wanting to hear more. This year, I would volunteer, no matter what, and everybody had told me that if I wasn't reaped then I would be the female tribute to volunteer, enough said. I sighed and got dressed into an aqua-colored dress and matching shoes. I curled my hair and walked downstairs. My father had already left.

I walked out of our house and went to my sister and mother's house. I smiled at little Cary and hugged her. "Now, Cary, you must get ready for the reaping, this, along with Violet Darin, is your second year in the reaping. Just get ready, and remember, I won't let anything happen to you."

Cary smiled and went to get ready. Just as she ran to her room, I saw my mother come. "Hello mother," I said to her with a smile.

She nodded and looked around. "Where's Cary?"

"Getting ready."

It was later and we were at the reaping. I could only hope that Cary's name was not reaped...

Verina Torea, our escort, walked onto the stage. She smiled and played the stupid video we always watched, but I was looked at Jeremy Al, he was cute, and I knew that he was probably suppose to be the volunteer, for he looked ready to jump up as soon as a male was reaped. Then the video was off and I snapped back to looking at the reaping ball.

"Ladies first," said Verina. She walked over to the reaping bowl and picked a name. "Cary Marian."

Cary started to walk to the stage when I jumped up. "I volunteer as tribute!" I walked in front of Cary and pushed her back. "Go back to mom," I murmur to her and then walk onto stage.

"Whats your name?" asked Verina.

"Nina Marian."

"So that was your sister?"


Verina smiled and went over to the male reaping ball. "Jeremy Al!"

Jeremy walked onto stage and when no one volunteered, we were lead into the Justice Building. My mother and sister were the ones to come in for me.

Cary was crying and I hugged her. I then pulled away and looked her in the eyes. "Stay strong, I'll come back for you Cary, I promise. And mom," I said looking at her. "Please take care of her, for me, just in case I can't..."

She nodded and the peacekeepers took them away. Then I saw Lily and Violet come in next. "Nina!" shouted Lily and she hugged me.

"It's okay Lily, it'll be okay," I said, trying to smile. "Violet, Lily, please, please, take care of Cary and my mother if I can't get back home for them."

Lily nodded and so did Violet, and the peacekeepers took them away also.

The next person to come surprised me, it was Mrs. Al. "Hello," she said, not looking at me.

"Hi, is there something I can help you with?" I asked thoughtfully.

"I need you to protect Jeremy. He was suppose to volunteer any way. Please, for me, he needs the help, he's only 14, he needs you Nina," she said, a hint of a pleeding in her voice.

"I will," I said to her. The peacekeepers came and took her away...

No one else came so Verina came, collected me, and I was put onto the train.

Well, we placed first for Chariot rides, amazing, right? Yeah, and I also got a 10 in training, why don't we skip to my interview so you can see how it all mainly happened...

"Thats our buzzer! Best of luck Shayl McElroy! Next up is Nina Marian, from District 4!"

I walked up and smiled brightly. I was wearing a aqua-blue dress. I glanced back at Jeremy quickly but no one noticed. "Hey Ceaser, from the Capitol!"

"Yeah, I love it here! What do you like about it?" he asked me.

"I love all the food! At home, we always had it, but never as good as this! Lobster, Pork, Crab, it almost makes me shiver! And don't get me started on the deserts.... Mmmmm!!!"

"I know right? I could just eat it all day! I hope its not noticeable in next years interview!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be. But you have to tell me, how did you manage to put on that zebra print lipstrick? It's a little crazy!" I joked around.

"It's a special brand. Speaking of crazy clothing, what do you think of that fish-hooked dress in the chariot rides?"

"I loved it! That part where it hooked me was killer! It hurt, but not that bad. It certainly drew attention to me thought. Thanks Gilveran!" I said, looking at Gilveran, sitting in the crowd.

"Yes it did! I think at least half of our audience is in love with you tonight!"

I blushed a little. "Do you love me Ceaser?" I asked, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Of course! Do you love me?" he asked, puckering his zebra-print lips.

"Who doesn't?"

"That what I want to know!" he joked. "What I really want to know though is is there anyone you love? Besides me of course," he said with a smile.

"Yes," I said, my mind wandering to Jeremy.

"Can you tell us who?" he asked, the one question I hoped he wouldn't.

I started to sweat a little. "Well, he's just my crush. I don't want to make him feel bad back home."

"Okay, Okay, I have a feeling your not going to tell me. Can you at least tell me what you thought about that 10 in training?"

"It was amazing! I was so surprised. And I know I wasn't the only one, but that was the highest score of all of them! I'm so happy about it."

"I know you were! I just wish we could of seen your face them.

Then the buzzer went off. "That's all the time we have! Good luck, Nina Marian!" I walked back to my seat as he said, "Next up is Jeremy Al!"

You get it now? Well, if you don't, keep listening to read about the games, which I still hate for one death that happened there that I avenged, but still, I cry over it. And remember, those that are not brave enough to hear more should stop listening now and walk out that door, for this is not your story...

Chapter 2 - Days 1 & 2[]

The clock ticks down in the arena. I hear the gong sound and I run off my plate. Jeremy reaches the Cornucopia first and he kills Gunner Time. I smile and then run up to join him. I grab some long knives, the first weapon I saw any way...

I see Matilda Mir kill Liberty Friar with a blowgun dart. I smile at her kill.

I then notice Susie Graham sneak pass us. "Crap," I mutter.

Kezaiah tries to kill Allie but instead the arrow lands in her arm. I sighed and got ready to attack anyone that got to close.

I am about to run after Jason when I see Tray kill him. I then notice Spike HIll running towards us. He pushes me down and I nearly behead him when he blocks my knives and says he wants to join us. We agree, but I know, he will be my target, mine.

Fire kills Tray and Matilda gets angry and tries to kill her but fails. I then see Aaron Mercury and smile. I sneak up behind him and then stab his temple, he fall to the ground, dead.

I then turn around because I heard something hit the Cornucopia. I turn to see Matilda smash a head in. I smile.

I shot an arrow and Mako Chance but he deflects it. "Crap," I mutter again. I then hear two loud thuds and turn around to see Nessie Needle and Will Evans, dead.

I look around and then hear the cannons. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Only eight, crap.

Well, we leave and when we come back, the bodies are gone. We seperate our things and go for a night hunt. We find Shayl, Susie, and Allie there. Jeremy throws a net over Susie and Matilda nearly kills her when Shayl takes the hit and runs. Matilda then smashes Allie's hand and she runs after him. I am about to spear Susie when Spike runs up to me. "We pour sleep syrup down her throat and we torture her to death," he murmurs in my ear. We both smile and drag her along with us.

We saw the faces of the fallen tributes in the sky and went to sleep.

Nothing really happened on Day 2, sadly, Shayl, I believe, was really mad and I could hear him throwing things, other then that, nothing at all happened...

Chapter 3 - Days 3 & 4[]

I wake up to find our stuff moved. Jeremy, Kez, Spike, Matilda and I moved our stuff back to where it was. Then we see Susie moving and Kez runs over to her with a knife and I see the knife in Susie's hand. Susie loses her pinky finger and then the knife flies into Kez's eye. We hear her cannon. BOOM! I lunge at Susie along with Jeremy, Spike, and Matilda and put her back in her net after dousing her with sleeping syrup.

Well, I am pretty bored. Nothing has really happened now except for a cannon that sounded earlier. "We use our plan next time she wakes up," I said to them. They nodded to me. Well, Matilda and Spike went to practice throwing weapons, leaving me and Jeremy. It's quiet until he asks, "Hey Nina, who were you talking about in the interview?" I pause for awhile then finally got the courage and said, "You."

"Really?" he asked, a little gleeful.


"That's amazing! Because... I feel the same way about you."

I smile and put my arms around his neck. He pulls me in closer and our lips meet.

Yeah, story short, we kissed and now we are all gleeful...

I woke up the next day and our stuff moved again. We moved it back, we also heard a couple cannons, nothing major.

Yeah, well, all Jeremy and I did for the rest of the day was flirt and giggle and snuggle for the rest of the day, and I should tell you to stop listening now unless you want to hear of the core of my depression...

Chapter 4 - Day 5 & 6[]

Well, little Susie woke up and Matilda said, "Finally decided to rejoin the world? Take a good look now, because it might just be your last chance!"

"Move your big ugly faces. That's all I can see, and it's hardly the world."

"That's it!" I shouted, she had called my ugly, and I can just not take it. I raise my knife but Jeremy walks over and whispers in my ear, "Your beautiful, but she is to be tortured, remember?"

I pouted a bit but lowered my knife. Spike takes a dagger and cuts her cheek. I cut her nose and forehead before Shayl and Mako and Fire decide to join us. I go straight for Mako who avoided death by me...

Well, this is the terrible part, again, you can keep listening, but it's your choose, so either stay and listen or turn now and walk out before you find out why I am who I am...

Shayl had gotten Susie back, and boy, I was not happy. Mako and Fire also made it out alive, making me angrier. But what really angered me was the body, laying on the ground.

"I'm so sorry," Matilda said, patting my back. I glared at Spike and then back at Jeremy's body with Spike's knife in his back.

"Listen, Nina, I'm sorry, I-" but he never got to finish. I ran after him. He started running fast but I was faster. He turned to see how far away I was but he tripped. He didn't move though, he knew this was coming.

I walk over to his body. "Goodnight you idiot," I said in a threatening voice into his ear. I slit his throat. BOOM! I kicked his head in disgust. I then walked back to camp and looked at Matilda who was smiling. I looked around for Jeremy's body but it wasn't there. I started to cry, he was gone forever. All I could think about was my promise to Jeremy's mother, I did like him but I also promised to keep him alive, I had broken that promise...

Well, I cried myself to sleep...

I woke up the next day, Matilda looked mad. "What?" I asked.

"You cried during yoru sleep, the entire time," she growled.

"Sorry," I murmured. The broken promise, the love, everything flowed through my head, and I tried not to cry.

"Your eyes are also freaking me out," Matilda said, a growl yet there was a hint of scaredness in her voice...

I looked around, our stuff had moved, much farther this time. "Our stuff moved," I murmured.

We both got up and started to move it back to where it was suppose to be. Then we decided, since the other tributes pretty much knew where we were, especially since yesterday, to change locations.

Matilda and I headed out into the forest. Well, there was the occasional scream. Then we heard a cannon. BOOM! I am calm, not at all frightened, not like before when I heard a cannon. No, I am pretty much lifeless in a way, you could say so...

Well, this is the part where you find out I am depressed, really depressed. Eh, keep listening to those that stayed, I know you want to hear this, you've already heard most of this...

We keep walking, I am staring blankly ahead. Then we hear more screaming and another cannon. BOOM! Matilda and I look at each other.

"Maybe it's not such a good idea to stay here," I mutter coldly. She nodded her agreement and we headed away to the Mountain/Forest area. (Yeah, I want them to end up there, closer to Kole and Eucy, maybe a fight'll happen =D)

Chapter 5 - Days 7 & 8[]

I woke up next at the edge of the forest. The promise keeps running through my head and it makes me sick. Jeremy, if you can hear this, just know that I tried my best and that I love you, I thought before waking up Matilda. "Come on Matilda, wake up, we should get moving soon. I want to find Mako, Susie, Fire, and Shayl!"

I hear her grunt before she lifts her head up and then stands up completely. We grab our stuff and head off into the weird Mountain/Forest area where they had gone running into on Day 5...

Suddenly, we here a lot of screaming and then a cannon, not far away. BOOM! "One of them died," I said with a slight smile. Then there is more screaming and a very low 'Thud!'. "They are not far," I say with a slight smile.

"Yes, but lets see who fell, maybe when they wake up we'll kill 'em," she said with a wicked smile.

I nod and we head over to where we heard all the noise. There, on the ground, laid Shayl. And not far away was Susie's body. "I'll drag that away so they can collect it," I say. I grab her body and drag it farther away. I then come back, long knives in hand while Matilda has her blow gun. "Done."

"Good," she says. We go to wait. I lay down where Susie was earlier to pretend I was her, I mean, it's not that hard, we do look alike, right?

I wake up and pretend to be sleeping. I watch as Shayl comes over to me and I stand up. He looks stupid, just standing there, watching.

What the heck? Why is he staring at me like I just lost a leg? Man, he needs to stop being so stupid! I walk closer and closer to him with my long knives in hand. He starts to bit down on his hand like it's a chew toy. Man, what an idiot!

He starts to back away and Matilda is waiting behind a tree. She steps out and he turns around. Then she shots a dart into his neck. I smile a wicked smile. BOOM!

I walk over to Matilda and high five her. "Now, off to find Fire and Mako."

"Indeed," Matilda says. We head off in the direction they had taken off in. Suddenly, I hear a cannon not far away. BOOM!

We are getting closer and closer to a beach. I know it's a beach because one, we always had them in District 4 and two, I can smell it. "We should rest here," I finally say. I look at the sky. It is pretty dark.

Matilda nods in approval and we set up a small little camp. I watch the faces of the fallen tributes on the sky. Shayl McElroy of District 3, and the most surprising, Eucy Kollier of District 12. Well, I guess lover boy is by himself.

I turn away from the sky and I can see Day 5's fallen tributes in my head. Jeremy Al, my love and the person who's mom I made a promise to and Spike Hill, the one who avoided death by me once and the betrayer. I still miss Jeremy, but I've stopped crying about, on the outside...

Chapter 6 - Day 9[]

Ugh, a tough night. We couldn't sleep, at all. What a terrible night. I hated it. It was terrible, ya know?

I then hear laughing up above and I quickly grab Matilda's arm and point upward. She does and we see them walk away, but are to tired to follow. "We'll get them later, they are heading toward the beach," I murmured.

She nods and we head up a bit more, it's a lot better to sleep there. I lay down and instatntly fall asleep.

We wake up a few minutes later. Grand. We can't sleep. We start to head out the way we saw Mako and Fire walk away. I see the beach and Matilda gets overwhelmed. I stop her and point down to the fighting and screams and she nods.

"I bet you wouldn't last a minute," I smirk at her after a few minutes.

"Shut up!" she hissed at me. I would of continued but we did need to stay on focus, right? Then they leave to go hunting. "I guess we overestimated them," she muttered. "They barely beat that thing. First of all, the girl, Fire, had her back turned when it charged her. Who does that? Also, she had to shoot it 4 times before it even noticed her. None of those shots hurt it a bit. Sure, she got it in the eye with her 5th shot. Pure luck. But It wasn't even dead after she did that, just stunned. She had to slit it's neck to really kill it. Mako, the guy, just threw his spear and after that was useless."

I think about it fore a moment then nod. We head after them. Mako is walking over after a rustle noise we made. He is about to spear the bush when I jump out, long knives at hand. I slash out but they barely graze him for he jumps back. Damn. He then spears the bush and Matilda shouts and then sends a dart flying out of the bush and it hits his calf. She then jumps out and starts fighting Mako with her hammer. I smile and start to walk in on Fire. She shoots my shoulder but I just yank the arrow out. She tries to shoot me again but misses by a mile. Ha! She does suck at archery!

I start to give chase as she runs. You know what? I do love to chase people, especially after Jeremy's death.

She turns around and heads back to the clearing. But I follow, laughing like a maniac. I look at Mako and then notice his plan a second before he does and start running. The funny thing is is that Fire wasn't in the clearing, she happened to be right in front of me.

Mako shoots his arrow but it misses me. And it hits... Fire. I give a little laugh before turning and running back to the clearing. I can hear crying but I go back to Matilda and tell her about Fire. Then I hear her cannon. BOOM!.

Matilda elbows me and I see Mako and then I hear rustling as Mako is about to turn on us and I see Kole. Awesome, the final four all here, amazing.

Matilda then runs at them and I sit down and watch. She is pretty much dragging her hammer. "Help!" she screams but I don't help her, I don't want to have to have to kill her later on.

She then drops her hammer on Kole's foot and smiles as he lets out a wail. And then I hear her cannon. BOOM! Crap. Then I hear a scream like my name. "Nina!"

I jump up and run into the forest. "I'M COMING JEREMY!" I shout as I run. I come into a clearing and there he is, alive, healthy, beautiful, I can just see his mother in his eyes. "Jeremy!" I shriek and jump into his arms. He laughs a little and brushes my hair.

"I've missed you," he says into my ear.

I smile and nod. "I missed you too." He then raps his arms around me and kisses me. I put my arms around his neck and we fall to the ground, laughing but still kissing.

But then his skin hardens and feels crumbly. His breathe on my neck is colder and is smelling terrible. I open my eyes and scream as looking at him. He was a zombie.

I push him away and stand up as fast as possible. He stands up also and comes at me. I see Spike's knife in his back and feel like crying.

His claws rake down my arm and I screeched. I punch him in the face and he staggers back. Sorry! I think. I grab my knives.

He lunges again and I start crying when I ask, "Why are you doing this to me Jeremy?"

"Because I want us to be together, forever and ever, Nina," he says to me.

"No you don't! You just want me dead!" I scream, stating the most obvious facts.

I start to slash at him, each time, taking a different body part. I take his arm, leg, wrist, other arm, neck, and then his head.

I slump on the ground and start crying. I really had thought that he was back and alive and that he could craddle me his arms.

A little later, I hear a cannon. I hope that it was Kole, my target is Mako, he keeps avoiding his death from me. But now, now, he shall get it if he's alive.

I reach a clearing and I see an Eucy zombie. I also see Kole, dead. Yes! I thought. I throw my knife and it lands in her neck, killing her.

I walk in smudgly. I get the knife out of her neck and I see Mako running at me. I smile and I run at him, ready to end these games....

I slash out at him with my knives. He yelps but then jabs me with my sword. I had to stand there for a minute, hand on my wound to keep the pian down no matter how much it hurt. He kept slashing at me so I finally, aiming for his neck but he moved a bit and it got his collarbone. Crap! I thought.

I sliced him again and it made a huge gash across his face, making it look like a grin. Then we kept going back and forth, knife and spear. Knife and spear.

Finally, I fell to the ground, and so did Mako. I wanted to cry. I was staring at a spot, the spot where Jeremy had died...

It enrages me a bit and I stand up. I am going to fake suicide so I can kill him.

I wait for Mako to stand up and I point the knife at my chest. I drive it in a little and blood trickles out. Then I lash out at him and drive it through his chest.

His knees buckle out underneath him and he fell to the ground with a thud. BOOM!

I started to laugh like a mad woman. But then I sort of stopped and stared where Jeremy died again and I finally did start to cry as I was lifted into the hovercraft, away from these games, forever...

Chapter 7 - Ending Ceremony and Train Ride home[]

I am wearing a beautiful aqua-blue dress and perfect blue sandals. I am sitting on a chair, not like the interview, but one more fit for a queen or king. Ceaser is sitting next to me, interviewing me.

"So, Nina, what were you thinking, at that last minute, before you were lifted up?" he asked me, eyes shining.

"That right over there, Jeremy had died, and that I had killed him again," I murmur, trying not to cry.

"It's alright Nina, you know that, right?" he asked me, looking at me with sadful eyes.

"No it's not, nothing will be the same, he'll never come back, he's gone forever," I said and finally start to cry.

Ceaser pats my shoulder in sympathy and I finally just stop crying on the outside.

"So, Nina, why didn't you tell us in the first interview that you liked Jeremy?" he asked me.

"Because then we would get all this affection and I'm sure some people would try to make it to where we made it to the final two, despite all the lovers in these games. And then we would be forced to kill each other, and they probably don't have any nightlock in the arena so yeah..." I look at the crowd, they are filled with sympathy.

"Of course, well, I think it's time for you to see the reply of the deaths," Ceaser murmurs.

I feel like crying but I turn to the sky were they project the deaths.

I watch all of them, of course, but the 12th death there makes me cry a little. The camera is on the fight, and I can see Spike's knife in the crowd of all of them sinking into the back of a tribute. Jeremy...

Then it shows me chasing him down. It shows him looking behind at me then tripping. It shows me slit his neck and kick his head in disgust.

The rest of the deaths are nothing compared to Jeremy's. I mean, yeah, Kole and Eucy have sad deaths but they are nothing compared to Jeremy's...

Then it stops and Ceaser looks at me. "So some of those deaths were caused by you. Would you like to talk about them?"

"Well, the first one, Aaron Mercury, was just because I didn't want to end the bloodbath with no kill. The second one, Spike Hill, because he had killed Jeremy," I murmur, trying not to cry again. "And finally, Mako Chance. I killed him to become victor, but now, I'm not sure about it. I mean, I am going back to my family, but then again, I am without Jeremy there."

Ceaser nods and the president walks over, a crown in hand. He puts it on my head and the crowd roars in approval.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the victor of the 81st Hunger Games, Nina Marian!" he says before I am led off stage.

On the train ride home, it is silent. My mentor is quiet and so is my escort. I look at the couch and I can just see Jeremy and I there, sitting, watching the reapings, laughing...

I start to cry a little so I head to the couch. I don't know why though. I sit down on the coushin where I had sat with Jeremy and pull my knees up to my chest and wait for something to happen, something interesting.

It gets dark outside so I go to my room and curl up under my covers. Tomorrow, Gilveran will mess with me tomorrow so I can look good for the cameras, then there is the Victors tour but oh well...

I wake up and Gilveran is there. I take a shower and then he starts to mess with me. He puts make-up on me after giving my body a quick shave and then gives me a long, flowing dress to wear to let them all see. It is very long and stuff.

I see the crowds and wave. I get up and head toward the door and when it opens, I am greeted by everyone of District 4. I hug Cari and my mother and Lily and Violet. I can't wait to see my home in Victor's Village but then again, it's not the same without Jeremy.

I walk through the crowd and Peacekeepers see me and lead me to my new house. It is very big. I walk in the door and I explore. Many bedrooms, a study, actual bathrooms, everything, it's perfect. I walk down the hall, back to the main room, and I see my sister, my mother, and my two friends.

"Nice house," Lily murmurs.

I nod and hug her. "Would you like to stay with us?" I ask her.

"I would and so would Violet but our parents would probably say no..." she murmured.

I sigh but nod. "Okay, well, come visit?" I ask.

"Of course!" she says. She grabs her sister's hand and they head back to their house.

I look at Cari. "You no longer need to be reaped, but remember, we still have to show up. Just remember this for me," I murmur. "Stay strong."

She smiles and nods. I lead her to her room then lead my mother to her room. I then walk to mine and pull a locket of my neck. I set it on my desk and then head back to my old house. I grab a picture and a heart-shaped locket. I put a mirror on one side and then take sicossers and cut out a picture of Jeremy and I from before the games at the Chariot ride, I am smiling at him and he smiles at me but no one caught that but our stylist who took the picture. I put it in the locket and put it around my neck.

I walk out of my old house for the last time and walk back to my home in Victor's Village.

Chapter 8 - The Talent[]

I've been living in Victor's Village for about 3 months. That just means 3 months 'till Victors Tour and when I have to talk to the families of the people I killed.

I am in the Study on the phone with Gilveran. "Nina, have you figured out your talent yet?" she asked.

"No," I say glumly.

"You know what? Think of the games, try to think of something that might help you!" she encouraged me.

As soon as the word game exited her mouth, I vision came to me.

I was standing in the tall grass, Matilda just in front of me. And Shayl was laying on the ground, knocked out, and not far away was Susie, dead, teeth marks on her neck.

I guess I blacked out from the phone because when I came back, I was staring at a peice of paper, and the entire seen was drawn, perfectly like in my mind.

"Nina!" comes Gilveran's voice.

"Huh?" I ask, still staring at the paper.

"I asked what did you think about?" she said, clearly a little annoyed.

"About when Matilda and I had found Shayl knocked out in the tall grass and Susie there, also, dead." I blink, clearly a little confused. The paper is still there, staring at me...

"Well? What happened?" she asked.

"Well, I don't know, I was talking to you one minute, and then I get the image and then I sorta grab a pencil and drew what I saw. And it matches, perfectly," I murmur.

"What? I'm coming down there, and also, you try to draw some other things until I get there tomorrow," Gilveran says before hanging up.

I blink and then walk off, the paper in my hand along with the pencil. I walk to my room and grab some pieces of paper out of the desk in there and started to think of things that happened in the games.

There was the Jeremy zombie in the clearing before he transformed.

Then the night with Jeremy when I told him I loved him.

Also, there was the fight, Jeremy and I fighting side-by-side until we were seperated.

And finally, there was Jeremy, the knife in his back and a guilty looking Spike standing behind him.

I drew all of those amazingly. I figured out my talent, it is drawing.

The next day, Gilveran was at my door. I was the one to answer it. "Come in," I say before she can speak.

We both walk to my room where the drawings are. I show her them all and she gasps. "These are amazing," she murmurs.

I just nod and slump down in a chair. "So what now?" I ask.

"We tell the press and you get you out of school finally," she says matter-of-factly.

I nod again and we head outside to go tell everyone and show them the living proof of the drawing.

Chapter 9 - The Victors Tour[]

I walk up. It has been exactly 6 months since I won my games. 6 months and 4 days since Jeremy has died...

"Nina!" comes my mother's call.

I get out of bed and walk downstairs. I smile at Gilveran and my prep-team, all ready to design me for Victor's Tour.

My prep team quickly rushes me back toward my room. "Why did you grow your eye brows back? Ugh, this is going to be harder now," Rena ponders.

"Yes but what about these nails? They are terrible!" shouts Egnite.

"And her hair? What did she do? Run it over?" asks Carbenette.

"Sorry," I murmur but they all laugh.

"It's okay Nina, you just need to keep up on your beautiful looks, after all, you are a star ready face, you just gotta keep it looking good," Egnite says soothingly..

After awhile of preping, I am ready for Gilveran. I put a robe on and head downstairs where she is waiting. "Nina," she says happily and hugs me. I hug her back.

"So, what do you plan on me wearing today?" I ask her.

She smiles and walks over to the empty closet that we have been saving for the Victor's Tour. She pulls out a beautiful icy blue dress and helps me get dressed.

Then Gilveran leads me outside and I am face-to-face with photographers and announcers, talking my picture and interviewing me which was Ceaser's job but oh well.

As soon as I was done, I got into a car and drove to the train station. I got on the first train and I am on my way to District 12 for the first celebration.

At District 12, I stood up on stage. The mayor was sitting there with his wife who was crying. And on the other side was Kole's family and his girlfriend before Eucy. Leah was very pretty.

I was awarded my awards and flowers and then it was time for my speech. "Well, what can I say?" I say, trying not to cry. "Kole and Eucy were amazing tributes, even though I never really meet Eucy, I did meet Kole, and he loved Eucy more then anyone could. I guess I did kill Eucy again, but that was her zombie that would of killed me or Mako, and I guess your upset about that. but I want you all to know that I had to kill the person I love and watch him die again, and you all say Eucy die again, but she wasn't really Eucy. Just like me watching Jeremy die again, he wasn't really Jeremy. How do I know this? Because Eucy nor Jeremy would actually kill the person that they love."

I then go silent and then the crowd starts to clap in understanding.

I sigh and I am lead back to the train station to District 11.

I get to District 11 the next day. Allie and Ethan's families are sitting off to the side. I wait for my award ceremony to begin talking.

"Allie and Ethan, I only ever meet them at training. Allie and Ethan were amazing tributes, and I wish that I could of gotten to know them better. They did pretty good for tributes from 11, no one could ever doubt that, everybody would say that they were the best tributes there. Well, yes, they were amazing tributes, and I wish they could be victors also, but you all know there can only be one victor, and it wasn't really them, and I am sorry about that."

I am silent and so is the crowd. I am leada way to the train station to go to District 10.

The next day, I am at Justice Building, looking at the crowd. I get everything I need and then start my speech.

"Fire and Will. Though I didn't know Will, he was an okay tribute, and I'm sure there is more to him that his family does know. Though Fire is a different story. Though I did try to kill her, she did do amazing for someone of this district, if only she could be up here instead of me, right? I mean, Fire was an amazing girl, and she did fall in love, and she didn't deserve to die, and I feel sorry for her, and I feel sorry for you all, for your lost. We all have losts, we all have lost something, for me, it was my love." I look around at the two families and then at the crowd. Then they all clap.

I am lead to the train station to go to District 9, Spike's district.

I am standing on Justice Building, looking at the familes. Spike's family looks pretty angry at me, and Liberty's family is crying. I get everything i need and start my speech.

"Liberty, she was a beautiful girl, and I wish she could of survived longer but she couldn't so she didn't. People say things happen by fate, I say things happen by what you do. Spike, you all realize why I killed him, right? I mean, what would you do, if someone had killed someone you had liked, would you just sit there, or would you actually do something about it? I still think about Jeremy everyday, he was the one person that I have actually loved more then anything, and him being gone destroyed me, his family, everybody that knew him," I say with a sigh. "So, what I'm saying is that I'm sorry for his death, but I couldn't really do much about it."

There are small claps from the crowd and Liberty's family, but Spike's family is still angry and sad. I sigh and I am lead toward the train station, to District 8...

Nothing much happened in District 8, so to District 7!

At District 7, Mako's family is hugging each other, crying. Louisa's family was also crying, but not as much as Mako's family.

"So, Louisa, you all have lost your daughter, and the odds are crap to let you all know. She died because of disease and we all miss her, well, not as much as all of you, but we still do. I wish we could do something about her death, but we can't, and I'm sorry. Mako was a strong-willed tribute, and I'm sorry that I killed him, gut instinct told me to. I wish he could be here instead of me but he can't, and I'm sorry. He lost Fire and I lost Jeremy, we both watched them die again, but really, was that really out loved one? No, it wasn't, because or loved one would never try to kill us like those mutts did. Mako fought hard, and I'm sorry he can't be here instead of me, i truely am," I say as I walk away, not wanting to speak anymore.

At District 6, I had to talk to Aaron's family. I can't really remember what I said about Adaliade but I remember about Aaron.

"And Aaron, he had a good ally, and I am sorry I killed him, he was just so... unfocused. I killed him because I didn't want to be the Career to end the bloodbath with no kills. I guess that I had just killed Adaliade faster but Aaron was a really nice tribute in training. I would know because he had hooked my hair with one of his hooks during training for the training scores and he had been so sorry and he would not stop apologizing. Me killing him was a huge mistake, and I'm sorry." I walk away like I did in District 7.

The rest of the district's weren't so interesting, so to the Capitol!

At the Capitol, I am wearing a dress like Katniss Everdeen's second interview dress where she turned into the Mockingjay minus the pearls and was blue and didn't turn into anything with a twirl. I am looking at the Capitol and Ceaser, ready to leave soon.

"Well Nina, would you like to give a speech?" he asked me.

I nod and look at the crowd. "These games were definetly something. All the tributes were fighting to the death even though some of them didn't have the world's best odds. I guess I had good odds, you know, getting one of the best scores in training, first in chariot outfits, and honestly, a verry good interview. I probably did have the best odds and I guess everyone saw that my odds did come true as I did win, right?" I ask, looking at the crowd.

They all nod and I continue. "We all have our odds, and for most of us, our odds came true. For the rest, you lied about what you were like and became the exact opposite. That just screwed up your odds. I hope you all can see what I'm saying."

Ceaser nods. "Well Nina, good job on winning! The odds really were in your favor! Ladies and gentlemen, Nina Marian!"

I give a final wave to them all before I head back to District 4 for the final party.

Chapter 10 - The Call/Writing on the Wall[]

In the study, I hear the phone ring. I already know who it is when I answer. "Hello?" I ask.

"Nina," comes the presidents sick voice. "Your mother, she is well, correct?"

"Very, what do you want?" I ask.

"I have a son, I would like you to marry him," he says, and I know he's smiling.

"And if I say no?" I ask.

"A surprise," he says with a slight chuckle.

I shake my head. "Forget it, I won't marry him," I hiss slightly.

The president sighs. "Alright, well, you'll change your mind," he says with another chuckle.

I hang up, done. I walk up to my room and I notice it is dark. I sigh and fall asleep on my pillow...

"NINA!" screams my sister, shaking me awake. My eyes flash open.

"Cari? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Come to mom's room!" she screams.

I jump out of bed and run after her to mom's room.

I see her, dead, neck slit, head beaten, stomach split open. It is horrifying.

I look at the wall and on it, it says, "Your mother was just the beginning, we come for young Cari next if you keep saying no".

"Cari, go to your room, I have to make a call," I say, trying not to throw up.

I go to the kitchen and tell the maid to clean up the wall and covers in mother's room after the body is removed. She nods and then walks away to the other phone of the house.

I walk to the study and I see that the phone is dangling down. I pick it up and put it to my ear.

"Anyone there?" I ask into it.

"Nina," comes the presidents voice. "What do you say now?" he asks.

"I will marry him, just leave Cari, Lily, and Violet out of this," I say, shaking.

"But of course," he says, smiling.

I hang up, sick to my stomach. I have to tell Cari, Lily, and Violet. So I gather them at 12 at my house and tell them that I have to leave for their safety.

"You can't leave!" cries Cari.

"I have to, they'll kill you if I don't," I murmur, brushing her hair. "I'll miss you, I have to pack now, do you guys want to help?" I ask them.

They all nod and run up to my room and I follow, trying not to cry.

We all pack my things and I head to the train station. They, being the peacekeepers, are waiting and help me on the train to the Capitol tomorrow...

Chapter 11 - Shocking Meet[]

I wake up and I am already in the president's mansion. Well crap, that means we arrived earlier then normal.

I get up and get dressed into the velvet blue dress that is sitting on the end of my bed and brush out my hair and head down the hall where Peacekeepers guide me to the President's office.

I look at him and say, "Happy now?"

"Of course, but you aren't marrying him straight out right now, no no no, you get two dates before he'll propose," he says with a smile.

"Whatever," I murmur.

He gives me a card that tells me to go to a resteraunt that isn't far from his house.

I walk out after putting on a fluffy white jacket that only ends at the end of my breasts. I keep walking and soon reach the resteraunt and tell them my last name and they lead me to a table.

Everybody here is actually dressed normal.

I wait for a few minutes and I see a figure that I can't identify just yet walking over. He steps into the lights and...

"Jeremy!" I gasp.

"Nina!" he says happily and practically picks me up and hugs me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Snow brought me back to life and now I am his son, he said that I would get married but he never said to who. I'm so happy that your here Nina!" he says.

I giggle a little and then I sit down across from him, staring into his eyes. They are the same sea-green that I love, exactly the same. I smile at him and he smiles back.

I then look at the menu. I order some of the lamb stew and Jeremy orders the same thing. You see this? That is how our relationship even worked out when it was nothing!

They return with our food and we eat and make small jokes while eating. I'm so happy that him and I are together again, I can never rethank the Capitol for this. Oh wait, I shouldn't even thank them, they killed my mother, but then again, it was because I was stubborn and all but still...

Jeremy and I finish our meal and then head back to the mansion. Jeremy has his arms around me the entire time and I have my arms around his torso. I could never, ever, leave him again.

Chapter 12 - The Marriage[]

It's offical! It has been two dates and Jeremy proposed and now we are getting married! I'm so happy! If only Cari and Lily and Violet could be here though...

I am just getting ready for the actual marriage. For ours, we did something that our ancestors would do, I will be wearing a completely white, flowing dress and have flowers decorated into my hair and a veil on my head. I love how it looks!

My old prep-team was there, getting me ready for Gilveran.

Cartaina works away at my nails, Evette works on my hair, and Saxtever works on my make-up.

Soon I am done and Gilveran gets to work with me. She is smiling the entire time. She goes to the closest and grabs the dress from there and helps me into it. I notice Gilveran added some pearls and diamonds to it but I don't really care.

"I love how Evette did you hair this time," she says, making talk.

I nod in agreement and help her weave the flowers into my hair. Then the places the veil on my head. I walk over to the mirror and smile. I look beautiful!

"You look very beautiful," Gilveran says with a smile. I nod in agreement.

I hear music and Gilveran nods. "I'll be walking you down the aisle," she says.

I nod and she helps me walk in the heels I am in.

I look at Jeremy who is in a black tux, aqua blue tie, he is beautiful also. I smile looking at him.

I soon reach where he is and I turn to face him.

(blah,blah,blah, huge ceremony, ont the main words xD)

"Do you, Nina Marian, take Jeremy to be your lawfully married husband? To have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do you part?" the preacher asks.

"I do," I say, smiling.

"Do you, Jeremy Al Snow, take Nina to be your lawfully married wife? To have and to hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do you part?" the preacher asks again.

I look at Jeremy. "I do," he murmurs with a smile.

"You may kiss the bride," the preacher says.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

I seperate from him and we both smile and wave to the crowd. Then we are lead into the limo car outside and drive back to the mansion.

Snow awaits us and greets us. "How was it?" he asks.

I smile. "Brilliant."

He smiles and nods. He leads us to our new room, since we are a married couple now and all.

I change into the aqua night gown I have had forever and take my spot next to Jeremy, where I do belong, forever more with him.


I am the President's wife, but we did something about these Hunger Games, we cancelled them. We didn't want people to suffer like we did, they are starving as is any way.

"Mommy! Cladina won't stop hitting me!" shouts Drivea, one of the triplets.

That's right, I had triplets and then a son. The triplets are Cladina, Drivea, and Rainette. The boy is Fabian.

I walk over to where the three girls are and laugh. "Cladina, stop, you understand me?" I ask, looking at her.

Cladina looks into my eyes and nods.

I laugh and ruffle up her blonde curls a bit. All three of them have Jeremy's sea-green eyes and my blonde curls. Fabian has Jeremy's dirty blonde hair and my bright blue eyes. I hug the triplets and go to check on Jeremy and Fabian.

"How are the two men of the house?" I ask, leaning against the door-way.

Fabian laughs a little and hugs my leg. He's only 3 and all, and the triplets are 6. "Momma! Dadda!" he says happily.

I lower 'till I am just barely taller then him and hug him. I then look at Jeremy. "You okay?" I ask him, walking over, Fabian following.

Jeremy looks at me and smiles. He walks over and wraps his arms around me. "What do you think?" he asks.

I can't help but smile. I then kiss him and then pull away and look at Fabian who only giggles. I pick him up and walk back to the living room where the triplets are. Thank god that I gave them different clothing to wear which makes them stand out a bit!

They all smile as Jeremy, Fabian, and I walk in.

I sit down on the couch and then sit down next to me. I turn on the tv and they are playing re-runs of past games. And my games are on.

I am about to change it when the kids say no. "Listen, I don't want to watch, please?" I ask them. I don't want them to see their father die and all, and not know how he came back alive.

They all nod and I change the channel. I curl up on the couch to where my head is rested on Jeremy's chest as I watch the tv with the children.

The end!
